Thursday, October 9, 2008

So Which VP Candidate Knows What Job He/She Is Applying For?

Here's an interesting article about who was closer in answering the question about the role of the Vice President. I should have discussed this after the VP debate, during which I was yelling at Biden for not having a clue on this one. The sad reality is, either noone caught it, or they just didn't care to report it. I especially like the comparison to Dan Quayle and his spelling. Let's face it, the media has quite a bit of influence in public perception of a candidate. As I said before, I was excited when Biden was picked because I know the guy is a gaffe-a-minute. But if nobody reports it, does it really matter? I guess when you are Obama, you can take that risk, and it is paying off. No way the media is going to challenge you on it.,2933,433314,00.html

By the way, after yesterday's article about ACORN, I hope you are paying attention to all the news about voter fraud. Scary stuff. In Ohio, ACORN collected 100,000 registration cards. Judging by the reports of potential fraud, the number of fakes in there could easily be enough to win a closely contested state. Even more scary, many of the states in which the fraud has gotten so bad that investigations are underway are key battleground states. Here's an interesting story:

Hope and Change! No wonder Obama is so confident when he says, "Yes we can." Apparently it's already in the bag.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Eric,
What is interesting to me is that the Republicans constantly complain about the so-called "liberal media", but no one wants to investigate or publicize Sarah Palin's husband's association with a political party that wants to secede from the Union. Sarah herself told them earlier this year, "Good luck. Keep up the good work." Well, God bless America--the lower 49 that is.
Uncle Mike G.