Thursday, October 23, 2008

Absolutely Disgraceful

(Please excuse any typos not caught by the spell checker, as I am in a huge hurry to write this)

I have never seen anything like the bias the media has for Obama and Biden, and against McCain and Palin. In fact, "bias" doesn't even begin to describe what is happening in this election. I've now passed the point of "had it" and am flat-out furious.

When in American history has there been a candidate for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES that the country knows so little about? It is not even conceivable to me that the media would have absolutely no interest in finding out who this man is, nor do they have any interest in reporting anything that could be considered negative about either man on the DNC ticket.

Take Biden, for example. Anyone remember his quote about a "three letter word" called J-O-B-S? You may not, because the media didn't seem interested. Certainly, it is not a big deal. But compare that to the treatment given to Palin. Think back to Dan Quayle, who failed to catch a misspelling on the card he was given and repeated it on camera.

What about Biden's grave warning that electing Obama will bring an international crisis within 6 months designed to test the young President? Obama is now trying to spin Biden's comment to mean that either president will face a crisis in the next 6 months. But that's not at all what Biden said. Go back and read the quote. Biden said, among other things: (1) the world will try to test him because he is young (and it is inferred lacks experience), (2) America will have to back Obama because it won't be immediately clear that he has done the right thing in response. I don't know what Biden knows, but that sounds a little strange to me. The world will test Obama because he appears inexperienced and weak, and you'll just have to trust us, because it will appear that we are screwing up the response. Um, OK.

There is so much more, but I only have so much time. Instead, we are talking about the fact that Palin needed new clothes. Of course she needed new clothes! She was suddenly running as the VP of the United States. You think a self-made woman from a small town in Alaska has a wardrobe set aside for that? Can we please find out how much Michelle Obama's clothes cost? How about Hillary? I heard Rush Limbaugh today make a good point as I was picking up some food. A famous designer (don't remember the name), who designed Hillary's pant-suits was shocked that the Palin has to pay for her clothes ... Hillary got them for free. Each pant-suit carries a price tag of well over $6,000, by the way.

One more thing. If anyone did not see the hit-piece (sorry, I mean article) in the NYT about Cindy McCain, you should take a look. Tell me if you aren't depressed and feeling sorry for that poor wretched woman when you're done. Now, go read some of the articles the NYT has written about Michelle Obama. I did a search and found a few. You'll note that the articles linked below (one for Cindy, one for Michelle) actually have a common author. From what I understand, Cindy McCain has spent a great deal of time and money doing good things. But apparently the NYT couldn't find anything nice to say about her. The piece on Cindy McCain was nothing more than an attempt to hurt McCain in the polls and in November (very well-timed, I might add), and it is absolutely despicable.



I challenge anyone to take a fair look at the election coverage and make a case (go ahead, in a comment) that it has even been anywhere close to the more moderate level of bias we have seen in the past. Even the media doesn't pretend any more. Palin got the CNN reporter who interviewed her the other night to admit it. Dan Rather, who knows quite a bit about media bias, is even admitting it.

The problem is, it will literally make a difference in who the people elect next month. It's one thing for the people to make a decision. It is quite another thing for the people to make an informed decision. Unfortunately, we not only have an uninformed public, but one that has been spoon-fed pure propoganda by a media that is abloultely intent on electing Barack Obama. All you former Hillary supporters should be with me on this. They did it to her too.

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