Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Coke in the Drinking Fountains

When I was in elementary school we had class elections. Each year, one of the candidates would promise that as class president, he or she would get chocolate milk for lunch (at Onaway School chocolate milk was not sold in our lunch room) and coke in the drinking fountains. I think that most of us can agree that the idea of installing coca-cola drinking fountains at an elementary school is just a bit ridiculous. But guess who would win, time after time. The emotional reaction of K-4 children was enough to secure victory because the children lacked the cognitive reasoning to understand the absurdity of the idea.


The exact same ignorance will likely catepult Obama to victory. Watch this grown woman explain why she is going to vote for Obama.


Obama has promised programs, benefits and entitlements that he can't possibly deliver. There isn't enough wealth that he can steal from the rich to pay for everything he says he will do. But that doesn't matter to the Obama voter. The Obama voter just loves the false sense of security that someone else is going to do it for them.

Obama, he's going to give us coke in the drinking fountains. I'm going to start lobbying now for diet because, between you and me, America has put on a little weight lately.


Megan said...

Nice post. Love it. Funny, yet sadly true.

Nathan said...

I don't know, at Ali's basketball practice yesterday I saw a poster of a kid running for 4th grade Vice President with the words "economy" and "health care" on it. Underlined. I guess kids these days are starting to care about more substantive issues...