Monday, November 3, 2008

Something Shorter

I see by the complete lack of comments that nobody has actually made it to the end of my last post. So, here is something a little shorter.

I know I mentioned this briefly in my last post, but it merits a little more discussion. I have just listened again to the audio of Obama talking about his plans for the coal industry. The real kicker here is not just his ideas on how to bankrupt coal electric plants. Obama actually says that under his administration, the cost of electricity will "necessarily skyrocket." Do not believe whatever spin the Obama campaign tries to put on this. You can listen to BO in his own words. He actually wants to cause the cost of energy to skyrocket. Why? Because he agrees with the environmentalist theory that energy prices must be artificially elevated in order to reduce demand to "save the planet." Think about it for a minute. Obama wants to raise your energy prices. A lot. But that won't just affect your own electric bill. It will affect your employer's bill. It will affect the bills paid by all the companies that produce the goods that you buy. On top of all the new taxes businesses are going to be paying, their overhead will increase due to the skyrocketing energy prices. Not only will that cost additional jobs, it will throw one more setback at American companies trying to compete internationally. What a great idea!

We've heard this argument with gas prices. For some time the left was complaining that we need higher gas prices, $3-$4 per gallon like Europe, so that people will stop using so much oil and eventually reduce carbon emissions. Funny, since we've had those gas prices, you haven't noticed the dems out celebrating in the streets, have you? The democrats have screamed just as loud as anyone about it. Why? Because everyone is angry that they are paying so much at the pump! Plus, they think they can just blame it on Bush. Think about the effect higher gas prices have had on the economy. The cost to produce and ship goods has increased dramatically. I guarantee you that jobs have been lost because companies can't afford to do business with those prices, particularly trucking companies. Either that, or the cost has simply been passed on to you. This is, after all, like Obama's promise of increased taxes on corporations. Guess what? Corporations don't pay taxes, they simply collect them from you and pass them on. More taxes on corporations equals higher prices for you. When the prices get so high that you decide you don't want to buy anymore, the company may cut prices, but it can only cut so much before it goes under.

I'm sure that when the cost of electricity skyrockets you won't see the dems stand up at a press conference to say "you're welcome, America! We finally got the job done!" I'm guessing they'll find a way to blame someone else, as usual.


Anonymous said...

Hey Eric,
Tomorrow is the big day and I truly think this great Republic of ours is going to speak Loud and Clear.
While it's been an angry and divisive campaign, I'm sure we can all reach across the isle, shake hands and admit that the GOP has run the slimiest campaign in American history.
That's what makes this a great country; we are all one.

Uncle Mike

EDS said...

I will, of course, respectfully but STRONGLY disagree with the sliminess comment, but agree that we must come together as a nation to do what is RIGHT for the nation. Let's at least hope this gets decided tomorrow!