Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ancient Chinese Proverb: Man Who Throws Shoe at President Forfeits His Sole

Sorry, but I couldn't help myself. Thought of that one all by myself. A couple of things struck me when I saw the video of this lunatic launching his size 10 Keds at President Bush:

1. Man, that guy has some decent aim. I'm thinking he's done this before.

2. Man, Bush still has some decent reflexes. Nice moves!

3. Man, what was the secret service doing between shoe throw #1 and shoe throw #2?

I always thought that if you are trying to do something to the president, you may be lucky enough to get the first shot off, but you would be on the ground before the second. I guess that is not the case. Maybe those guys are focused on Obama now. I mean, their supposed to be willing to take a bullet. At this point, they won't even take a shoe for the guy! I don't care if you've already screened everyone for weapons ... there's always the chance you missed something. And you're in Iraq, for crying out loud. I know we've made some serious progress, but I wouldn't think it is the absolute safest place for President Bush to be.

Although, I wonder if his approval ratings are higher there than here? I'd take that bet.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

No offense, but this is kinda stupid ...

Take a quick read, if you haven't already, about the anti-Prop 8-ers who are going to "Call in gay" instead of going to work in order to show people "how much the country relies on gays and lesbians."

I'm sorry, but whether or not this country "relies on" gays and lesbians has absolutely nothing to do with the dispute over the issues of gay marriage. The comparison is to a form of protest by illegal immigrants who wanted to demonstrate their value to the economy. The only problem is, in that case, many people actually want the illegals to leave the country ... thus their form of protest is at least tied to a relevant argument (although not one I agree with). Who cares whether or not you are gay and have a job? That's not the issue. Nobody is trying to deny you the right to work in this country.

I respect people on both sides of the Prop 8 issue who are willing to engage in meaningful dialogue to advance a reasoned position. If you want to have a civil discourse about the constitutionality of Prop 8, or the reasons people are for or against the amendment, let's do it. Unfortunately, many people are not willing to do that. Instead they make vicious personal attacks that do not address the underlying merits of the arguments against their position.

I suppose all those who have supported Prop 8 to "Call in Christian" (or fill in whatever other moral foundation serves as the basis for their position) to show how valuable they are to society. But that would be equally ridiculous.

Oh, and while we're on the subject, it may not be the most affective form of protest to boycott the Sundance Film Festival, as many have advocated, just to get back at the Mormons. The Sundance festival takes place in Park City, a particularly liberal area, and isn't what I would call a particularly "Mormon" event.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Peter Schiff For President!!!

Or at least the President's top economic advisor. This is a must watch. This video is absolutely hilarious and very sad all at the same time. If you are like me, you will be struck by how so many people who appear to be intelligent and well-informed could be so completely wrong.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Just Let (Make?) Them Declare Bankruptcy!!!

This whole bailout concept is getting ridiculous, and "Big Three" are some of the more pathetic panhandlers. This is an industry that refused to find ways to compete with foreign companies, convinced congress to draft anti-competition legislation that they thought would protect them, gave in to absolutely ridiculous demands by the UAW, and now wants the American taxpayer to foot the bill for their stupidity. I vote no. The unions are finally realizing that they need to ease back on some of the insanity, and have now announced that they will accept a delay in payments to certain pension funds, and perhaps even agree to a modification of a ridiculous program in which workers are paid to do cross-word puzzles, Sudoku ... pretty much anything they want to do but work.

Read this story and tell me the unions aren't killing these companies:

Someone please explain to me why Congress is so intent to throw good money after bad. The model isn't working, don't prop it up with my tax dollars. Not to mention, the "Big Three" couldn't even put together a coherent plan to convince Congress to write them a check ... and with the current Congress that says a lot.

Yet Nancy Pelosi stands in front of the public and declares that bankruptcy isn't an option. WHY NOT??? A Chapter 11 bankruptcy might be just what these companies need. It would allow them to reorganize, free from the stranglehold that the UAW currently has on them. All those ridiculous union contracts could be modified or done away with. When a company files under Chapter 11, it doesn't just disappear. It continues to operate while it figures out how to run a profitable business. These companies need a reality check and the unions need to realize they they've pushed too far. For years they have been slowly killing the golden goose, biting the hand that feeds them. They've been compensated far more than the market believes they are worth. And for what? To build a sub-standard product, in my opinion.

And another thing. The CEO's salary is a drop in the bucket compared to the cost of UAW contract obligations. Accepting $1 for the next year is purely PR. It may make a lot of people happy, because they hate and envy anyone with more money than they have, but it won't save the company. Neither will wasting hours and hours of valuable time to drive to Washington D.C. in their hybrid cars; time that they should be using to figure out how to run your company.

We cannot allow the government to pick the winners and losers. That is the market's job; your job and my job. The U.S. auto-makers need to figure out how to build a better product for less money. Foreign companies are doing it right here on our soil, and I find it insulting that we can't.

Where do the bailouts end? How about the legal profession? When nobody can afford to do deals and sue each other any more, do I get some of that "government" money? I won't hold my breath.

Way to Go Georgia!

With Al Franken intent on stealing the senate election in Minnesota, a win by the Dems in Georgia would have been catastrophic, as it would have given them a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. Thank goodness the Georgia voters wised up, rejected Obama's strong support of Democrat Jim Martin, and elected Republican Saxby Chambliss.

Make no mistake, this is a big victory for the republicans, as Al Franken will now doubt "find" many more votes that weren't counted on election day in an attempt to steal the MN seat. from Norm Coleman. Now if we can only GET THE PARTY BACK ON TRACK.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Sorry! It's Been Busy.

For the 1 or 2 people who may actually check this blog occasionally, I will be posting something soon. There is certainly plenty to talk about, I've just been busy.